Blown by the wind

Written by Tan Nguyen

Gentle winds carrying me through,
Lifting me into the air,
Carrying me with it,
Where ever it may go,
Allowing the winds,
Taking me along for the journey.

Where we land,
Doesn’t matter at all,
Where we land,
I don’t even know,
Enjoying the adventure,
As it takes me along,
Carrying me into the air,
As it blows on through.

Releasing of worries,
Releasing all controls,
Laying back and enjoying,
Where ever it may go,
Having no say,
Not knowing the destinations,
Relaxing in the moment,
Of having no control,
Stressing about things,
Worrying too much,
Things which ain’t in my power,
To even control.

Drifting with the winds,
Learning another lessons,
It is here where I released,
The worries of going where,
The worries of not knowing,
The stress if things don’t go my way,
Learning to let go,
Of things which ain’t important,
Enjoying drifting through the air,
Flowing with the winds,
Not knowing where,
Not being in control,
Being carried by the winds,
Not caring where.

The end

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