To the Moon and Back

Written by Tan Nguyen

Travelling to the moon,
Exploring the majestic visions,
Looking up towards the sky,
Viewing through loving,
Adoring and dreamy eyes,
The moon is a magical,
A special place in my heart.

From the distance looking up,
When the moon is displaying fully,
Appearing like a round ball,
Glowing intensely so far away,
Keeping the darkness,
From dominating the night utterly,
Shining for the world below.

All the way up there,
So very far away,
All alone up in the sky,
There’s nothing else like it,
Nothing during night that can compare,
To the beauty on full display,
Throughout human history,
Many glanced upon the sky above,
Marvelling with amazement,
Written many stories and poetry,
Finding the right words,
Expressing their feelings and wonder,
About the moon all the way up there.

My fantasy of fantasy,
Is to travel to the moon,
If luck is on my side,
Being able to touched,
The moon just once,
Just like it has touched me,
Helped me through many struggles,
Calmed me down,
When emotions became too much,
I would wished upon the stars,
Being able to touch the moon,
As deeply as it has touched me.

The end

13 thoughts on “To the Moon and Back

  1. You’ve got me thinking now. Here’s an extract from the UK rules, where I live:

    “In the UK, it is allowed to use a work without the permission of the author under the fair dealing doctrine. However, unlike the US, fair dealing is limited to the following purposes: research and private study (both must be non-commercial), criticism, review, and news reporting … The picture needs to support the text and be a part of it … Copying and publishing a (set of) picture(s), with little or no text is probably not fair dealing and should be avoided. The incidental inclusion of a copyrighted work in an artistic work, sound recording, film, broadcast or cable program doesnā€™t infringe copyright either. As the scope of the fair dealing doctrine is much more limited than the American fair use doctrine, it is much less likely that the use of photos without the permission of the author will be found to be fair dealing.”

    I got this from the following article, which also mentions what happens in other countries including the US:

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